Reasonable costs. Unbeatable Fun.
Bluegrass Swim Club is a non-profit organization ran by a group of volunteers. Please pay your dues timely. Our dues allow us to maintain the facilities for everyone's enjoyment.
Bluegrass costs are listed below. However, if you do not own a bond, you have to become a bondholder to become a member. Determine the type of membership that you want: Bond Holder or Trial Member
Fill out membership paperwork
Pay Dues
Enjoy Pool
Trial Membership (10 of these memberships are sold annually and trial memberships are limited to single season)
Single membership = $420.00*
Two-person membership= $450.00*
Family membership = $505.00 *(Three or more)
Bond Holder Costs : See How To Become A Member Page
What is a bond holder? A bond holder holds ownership in the pool. This should be viewed as a longer term commitment. Bond purchases and costs are a one time cost. Since you are buying ownership in the pool, you're committing to a renewal of your annual membership. See more details on our How To Become A Member Page.